Friday, October 26, 2012

Traditional Education Versus Online Education

Traditional schooling is significantly better than online schooling.  While for some online schooling is better because they don’t have to be tied down to one place, I truly think that they are missing out on a vital aspect of their education.  Traditional schooling allows for people to be focused, build relationships, and get more out of their education.

First an education that requires someone to come to class requires that this person be motivated and determined.  They must have the drive to get up, get dressed, and go sit in class. It is like a test drive for a future job.  Also, one who is sitting in class does not really have the ability to multitask on other things.  Sure, there may be the occasional texting or daydreaming but with online education multitasking and distractions are everywhere you turn.  Online education is done is typically done in the home which screams distraction. Traditional education offers a place for students to come and focus in an environment that is completely dedicated to their education.

Furthermore, traditional education allows for people to build real-life relationships as opposed to virtual ones.  It is important to learn how to build relationships with peers and professors.  This can also help in the world of employment because networking leads to great opportunities.  Online education may offer some form of relationship but it is not impressionable to meet someone online as it is to meet them in person.  It is the difference of putting a face to a name versus just a name.   

Lastly, traditional education offers more room for personal growth in addition to a greater number of opportunities.  A person will learn to be accountable, gain communication skills and more focused.  Traditional schooling has been working for centuries, let’s keep it that way!