Thursday, February 16, 2012

Casper the Snow Ghost

Hello all.  The highlight of my day today was making a snowman!  Although he looked like a ghost shape more so Ali and I named him Casper the Snow Ghost.   I have a cold so I had a very relaxed day.  It takes a toll on your body going from freezing cold outside to warm heated places inside.  Pretty much all I did today was eat at the mensa....the food was much better today, make a snowman, and I met up with someone I met the other day and we went to a lecture on 18th century art for about 5 minutes.  I didn't really understand most of the lecture but rather just words so we didn't stay.  Then I came back to my room and skyped with my big Megan.   After skyping with Megan I went to eat pizza at the mensa with Ali.  He is the only other one I know that eats at the mensa.  I guess most people here do not get meal plans but cook instead.  Ali has a scholarship though so he gets a free meal there a day.  I unfortunately have to eat there every meal.  It was not as terrible as it was yesterday but I would still rather eat out at a good restaurant or cook myself.   Anyways I am going to go to sleep now because tomorrow I am going to Milan!

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